Service Learning

 “Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth.” – Muhammad Ali

Extracurricular Service Learning Application

Service Learning Image

What is Service Learning?

Senior high students in 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade are involved in a variety of curriculum based and extracurricular service learning. The interests and personalities of the schools, teachers and students determine the projects. Common examples include:

  • Social studies students volunteer in campaign offices.

  • Sports medicine students care for the needs of their school’s teams.

  • English students write, illustrate, and donate original children’s books.

  • School clubs gather donations of items and funds for local non-profits.

  • Students volunteer independently throughout the community

NOTE: All service hours must be preapproved. You may NOT count hours that you served BEFORE filling out the application and receiving the time card from Dr. Ratti. This is a district policy.

You must complete a separate time card for each organization you plan to serve. For example, if you are going to volunteer with the Mesa Public Library, the Phoenix Zoo, and United Way, you would need three different applications and time cards. The only exception to this is if you are serving as part of a group (NHS, your church, etc.)